To our netball club
Seacliff Uniting Church Netball club competes in the South Australian Uniting Church Netball Association (SAUCNA) in their winter and summer competitions which includes teams from under 8, juniors to senior grades.
For important information and season updates visit our Facebook page.
Exclusively to our club members, regular team information can be found on our Team App page.
Please find the links below to access these pages.

Seacliff Uniting Church Netball Club is a volunteer Club.
In order to keep our club running we require parents to volunteer their time to coach and help develop players netball skills.
We are often faced with more children registering to play than we have teams with coaches.
No previous netball experience is necessary in order to serve as your team’s coach.
As a committee we offer support to our coaches whenever you need support, guidance or coaching tips. Please consider volunteering your time to be a coach for your child’s team.
Each team must have a Team Manager. Team Managers play a vital role in running a team efficiently throughout the season.
Team Managers act as a liaison between the club and the team and assist in developing a roster for scoring and timing.
For more information, please view our team manager responsibilities in our policies page.